What to Look for in A Facility

During the course of recovery from drug addiction, mind-body techniques can prove useful in helping to achieve stress reduction, promote positive outlooks, promote circulation and help center the brain and body. At holistic drug treatment centers, multiple mind-body techniques can be combined with nutritional and fitness guidance in order to strengthen both psychological and physical recovery from drug addiction. Because prolonged drug use tends to affect the body in a myriad of ways – ranging from neurochemical imbalances to erratic sleep cycles – mind-body techniques can represent a vital part of drug addiction recovery. As a result, the majority of holistic treatment centers will offer some form of training in mind-body practices.

Specific Mind-Body Techniques at Drug Treatment Rehab Facilities

By nature, mind-body techniques tend to bring the individual who experiences or practices them into the present moment. With an attitude of mindfulness, such techniques seek to harmonize the brain and body, enabling physical relaxation while releasing unnecessary mental anxiety. For many individuals amid the drug addiction recovery process, these techniques can prove useful in both providing relief to the physical self after years of drug abuse while restructuring mental attitudes and perspectives to more productive, positive ones. Here are just a few of the mind-body techniques that may be offered by drug treatment centers – or facilitated when on-site offerings are unavailable.

Holistic Massage Services

Massage has been shown to carry a host of benefits for the mind and body. Through the skillful manipulation of the body’s muscles, ligaments, tendons and skin, massage provides deep relaxation and increased circulation throughout the body. Ranging from gentle movements to deep tissue massage targeting muscular injuries, massage has been associated with reduced anxiety, lowered blood pressure, physical recovery from injuries, improved immunity and higher levels of mental focus and mood elevation.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure both provide stimulation of the body’s pressure points in order to promote energy flow, healing and harmony of the body’s systems. Acupressure seeks to achieve these goals through targeted touch, while acupuncture does so through the insertion of long, thin needles into specialized pressure points distributed throughout the body. Both acupressure and acupuncture can be utilized as forms of non-narcotic pain management, stress reduction therapies and alternative health remedies for withdrawal symptoms.

The Practice of Meditation

One of the most popular forms of meditation at drug treatment facilities is the practice of mindfulness. By focusing on the body’s breath while taking a nonjudgmental, unattached approach to thoughts and feelings, the brain can learn to stop reinforcement of negative mindsets. Beneficial for promotion of relaxation, heightened focus, strengthened self-esteem, and helping those in recovery become attentive of their physical needs, the advantages of meditation have been well-documented in drug addiction recovery studies.

Visualization Techniques

Through visualization techniques, patients can learn to create specific, tangible and concrete visions for their sober futures. Visualization can also be used in conjunction with cognitive therapy to evoke peaceful or motivating images when drug cravings or negative cognitions arise.

Further Reading