Another Reason Not to Drink: Skin Cancer Risk Increased by Alcohol Consumption

As if there weren’t enough reasons to avoid excessive alcohol consumption, a new study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that drinking could increase the skin’s sensitivity to the UV rays in sunlight that cause skin cancer. A single drink per day increased the odds of getting skin cancer by 20 percent. More drinks equated with higher risk.

Additionally, high rates of alcohol consumption could impair a person’s judgment, causing them to spend too long out in the sun and/or forget to reapply – or apply – sunscreen.

It All Adds Up: The Number of Risks Associated With Alcohol

Alcohol is a toxin, and the increased risk of sun cancer when drinking and out in the sun is only one of a plethora of risks that those who drink regularly, binge drink, or struggle with alcoholism take when they don’t get the treatment they need to manage the problem effectively.

Other risks of alcohol abuse include:

  • Increased risk of alcohol-related accident on the road and/or death
  • Increased risk of chronic health problems such as liver-related disorders, heart disease and more
  • Increased risk of contracting STDs, experiencing unwanted pregnancy, and/or becoming the victim – or perpetrator – of a sexual assault
  • Increased risk of legal problems due to behavior under the influence

Making Positive Choices That Promote Overall Health and Wellness

It’s clear that when alcoholism is an issue, medical treatment is warranted immediately. However, because alcohol is legal for adults over the age of 21 in the United States and readily available, few view regular nights out “partying,” drinking while out in the sun or multiple drinks over dinner as the dangerous situations that they are.

It is not recommended that women drink more than one drink per day or that men indulge in more than two alcoholic beverages in a 24-hour period – and no, it isn’t safe to “save up” drinks throughout the week and drink eight alcoholic beverages on a Friday night. Binge drinking and chronic drinking can all add up to all the risks listed above even if there are no physical withdrawal symptoms present when the person is without alcohol.

The good news is that treatment can help, no matter what the characteristics of the drinking behaviors. Learning how to live without alcohol and limit the risks associated with abuse of the substance can be life-changing on every level. Improved mental health, improved physical health, lesser chance of accidental or early death – all of this comes with knocking out substance abuse.

Learn more about how comprehensive treatment can help you or your loved one stop drinking when you contact us at Axis today.